

Telemann, the european Spirit Trios and Quartets with viol

Arques-la-Bataille, Church

Georg Philip Telemann
Sonata II pour traverso, violon, viole et basse continue TWV 43:g1 (Sei Quadri, Hambourg, 1730)
Sonata en la mineur TWV 42:a7 pour traverso, viole et basse continue
Georg Friedrich Haendel
Concerto à 4 (ré mineur) (v. 1715, ms. Graf von Schönborn, Wisentheid)
Georg Philip Telemann
Trio V pour violon, viole et basse continue TWV 42:g1 (Sechs Trios, Francfort 1718)
6ème Quatuor TWV 43:e4 (Nouveaux Quatuors, Paris, 1738)

Telemann, a major figure of 18th-century European musical life, belongs to that blessed generation of gods that witnessed the birth of some of the greatest European musicians: Bach, Rameau, Handel, Scarlatti and Vivaldi. This composer who, in his time, enjoyed an even greater reputation than Bach, was a great master of instrumental music. Open to French and Italian influences and to the new galant style that was flourishing in Germany, he succeeded with panache, especially in his chamber music, synthesising a European style at the crossroads of the Baroque and Classicism..

Veranstaltungsart/-format: Festival / Festtage, Konzert

  • La Rêveuse
  • Serge Saitta, traverso
  • Stéphan Dudermel, violin
  • Florence Bolton, viola da gamba
  • Carsten Lohff, harpischord
  • Benjamin Perrot, theorbo

Leitung: Benjamin Perrot & Florence Bolton

Eintrittspreise: 20€, 18€, 10€

VVK-Stelle: Académie Bach


Ticket-Hotline: +33 2 35 04 21 03

Veranstalter: Académie Bach
Mathilde Dugois, chargée de la communication
1 rue le Barrois - BP26
76880 Arques la Bataille
Tel. + 33 2 35 04 21 03


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